Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on October 03 left for Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras to meet the family of the alleged gang rape victim. The former Congress chief along with party leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra had earlier tried to visit the victim’s village in Hathras on October 01 but was stopped by UP Police well before reaching the destination. Heavy police deployment was seen at the toll plaza on Delhi Noida Direct Flyway in view of Rahul Gandhi’s visit. Barricades have also been put up the spot. Meanwhile, Congress MP Gulab Nabi Azad slammed the Uttar Pradesh government over the issue, saying cases such as Hathras have also happened before in the state since Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath government came to power in 2017. Azad asserted that this is not new but routine in UP. “Is there a system in UP? Since this govt came into power there have been many cases. Earlier, there were cases of lynching, killing of opposition leaders & filing cases against them. This is not new but routine in UP,” Azad told reporters in Delhi.