Equity benchmark indices continued upward momentum during early hours on June 03 in line with positive global cues. At 10:15 am, the BSE S&P Sensex was up by 333 points or 0.99 per cent at 34,159 while the Nifty 50 edged higher by 106 points or 1.06 per cent at 10,085. All sectoral indices at the National Stock Exchange were in the positive zone with Nifty private bank up by 3.1 per cent, PSU bank by 2.6 per cent and financial service by 1.3 per cent. Among stocks, IndiGo's parent company InterGlobe Aviation jumped by 10 per cent to Rs 1,040.10 per share despite the company reporting a net loss of Rs 871 crore in the quarter ended March.