Equity benchmark indices rose by close to one per cent during early hours on August 30 with metal and auto stocks showing dramatic gains. At 10:20 am, the BSE S&P Sensex was up by 512 points or 0.91 per cent at 56,636 while the Nifty 50 rose by 148 points or 0.89 per cent to 16,853. All sectoral indices were in the green with Nifty metal up by 2.2 per cent, realty by 1.6 per cent, auto by 1.4 per cent and financial services by 0.8 per cent. Among stocks, Hindalco moved up by 2.9 per cent to Rs 450.65 per share while Tata Steel rose by 2.7 per cent and JSW Steel by 1.8 per cent.