Anies Curhat ke Media Asing: Frustasi pada Menkes Terawan

KompasTV 2020-05-10

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KOMPAS.TV - Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan diwawancarai media asing Australia The Sydney Morning Herald. Tulisan ini dipublikasikan pada 7 Mei 2020.

Dalam wawancara Anies dengan Media Sydney Morning Herald tersebut, Gubernur DKI mengungkap sudah mengendus keberadaan virus Corona sejak Januari 2020.

In an interview with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, Anies revealed that on January 6, after hearing about the first cases of a new virus in Wuhan, \"we already started to have meetings with all hospitals in Jakarta, informing them about [what] at that time we called 'pneumonia Wuhan' there was no COVID yet\".

\"Kami sudah rapat dengan rumah sakit- rumah sakit di Jakarta , membahas apa yang kami sebut pneunomia Wuhan- waktu itu belum ada istilah covid-19,\" ujar Anies.

Anies juga mengungkap saat kasus mulai terbaca, Pemda belum diizinkan untuk melakukan tes Corona.

\"And then when the numbers started to go up continuously, at that time we were not allowed to do testing. So whenever we have cases, we send the samples to the [national government-controlled] national lab. And then the national lab will inform, positive or negative. By the end of February, we were wondering why it is all negative?\"

Dalam tulisan tersebut, Anies Baswedan juga mengekspresikan rasa frustasinya dengan pemerintah pusat terutama pada Kementerian Kesehatan dalam hal transparansi data.

\"From our side, being transparent and telling [people] what to do is providing a sense of security. But the Ministry of Health felt the other way around, that being transparent will create panic. That's not our view.\"

\"Dari sisi kami, transparan dan mengatakan sebenarnya ke publik adalah bentuk memberikan keamanan bagi warga. Namun Menteri Kesehatan memandang berbeda, menurutnya tranparansi hanya bikin panik.\"

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