'드론 테러' 사우디산 원유 87% 장기계약…"원유수급 차질없다"
South Korea's trade ministry says that attacks in Saudi Arabia won't significantly impact local oil supplies, at least for now.
S. Korea expects steady short-term supply, but readying emergency countermeasures
An emergency meeting with industry experts and major Korean oil firms was held earlier today.
The Saudi government plans to procure supplies to meet international contracts.
But because its oil accounts for nearly a third of Seoul's crude imports,... Korea is looking to diversify its oil sources and will tap into its reserve inventory if there's a supply shortage.
Foreign Ministry calls attacks "serious threat" to global energy security
The foreign ministry expressed concern over the drone strikes,... deeming them a "serious threat" to global energy security.
Seoul will keep a close eye on further announcements from the Saudi government, as well as from Aramco.