서울시 "택배•종교•요양시설•식당종사자 전수검사"...수도권 매주•비수도권 2주마다 검사
The city of Seoul plans to get everyone who work at high-risk venues such as restaurants, call centers, religious facilities and logistics centers get screened for Covid-19.
It will now become mandatory for all those working at senior centers and nursing homes to get tested once a week in the capital region and every other week for the rest of the country.
Kim Dami has the details.
With cluster infections continuing at so-called high-risk facilities, the city of Seoul is aiming to test everyone who works at them.
"With the goal of testing all citizens, the city of Seoul will raise the daily number of tests from 10-thousand to 37-thousand."
That includes workers at logistic centers, restaurants, call centers and even churches and temples.
All designated essential workers are on the list, including taxi drivers and bus drivers.
The tests will be free for everyone... regardless of whether they have symtoms... or have had any contact with others who've tested positive.
For workers at senior centers and nursing homes, testing will be mandatory.
"The city of Seoul will require workers at senior centers and facilities to take PCR tests. Tests will be done every week for those in the greater Seoul area and every two weeks for those outside of the capital area."
These workers were required to be tested already, but the new rule will have them tested twice as often.
Senior centers and nursing homes have been at the center of 26 cluster infections in the past month.
And over 70 percent of the clusters were linked to workers.
Kim Dami, Arirang News.