Jorge Rafael Videla on the institutionalist position of the Army 1975

difilm 2019-01-23

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Bs. As .: The commander in chief of the Army, Jorge Rafael Videla presents his greetings to the provisional president of the Senate, Dr. Italo Argentino Luder and reaffirm the institutionalist position of the Army through a show of respect. Next the journalists ask him the following questions: - Sr. General, during the appointment that has just been made to the provisional president of the Senate, the topic Aluar was touched? -How do you estimate the situation in Argentina from the commander of the Army chief? (Respond: The country is with full optimism and that the army maintains its institutionalist position with respect to its institutions) -General, we arrived in 1977 with this institution, the Congress of the Argentine Nation? -Mr. General, in recent days there has been evidence that the government, the Armed Forces, the security forces, would be about to start a very aggressive campaign of repression of subversive and terrorist activity, we would like to know the point of view of the strength and the degree of danger that the Army grants to the last climb? (It speaks of the position of the Army in front of the fight against subversive) - We would like to know the degree of danger assigned by the Armed Forces to this last escalation? -Mr. General, some parliamentary sectors to have come to command the Army would promote your promotion to General Division so that you can reach the rank of Lieutenant General, what would be your reaction if parliamentary groups promoted their promotion to General Division? (Ambient sound)
Date: 1975
Duration: 4 minutes 21 seconds
Code: BG-0317

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