Tour of the President of the Nation, Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla through the province of Formosa. Report where the journalist José Corso Gómez comments: "Averaging his tour of the northeastern provinces, the Presidential plane that brings the President of the Republic, Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla, arrives here at the Formosa airport. He descends from the apparatus the head of state and is greeted by the Governor of the Province of Formosa, Colonel Juan Carlos Colombo and other high-ranking military chiefs.He is honored by the 29th Infantry Regiment of Monte.In these moments the President of the Republic greets the Bishop of Formosa, and he also does it in these moments with the members of the cabinet of the Governor of the Province of Formosa. Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla in more moments is going to retire from here, from the airport accompanied by the Governor, Colonel Juan Carlos Colombo, Heading to the Government House, where he will hold a series of interviews with sectors of the living forces of the capital and the interior of the province. sa will have a new radio and television building. The Director of Communications of the province, Mr. Roque Barrionuevo, is going to explain to us not in details, but synthetically what advantages this new building brings. - the advantage with respect to the radio is that it has 25 kilowatts and I think that it is very important? - Sir, regarding the technical problem, I think you are going to talk to the President about this? Report to another man, in which he is asked: "Sir, did you also intervene in the construction of the building?" -The President of the Republic arrives. At the moment he is going to the building to visit it, where he is going to make an exhibition regarding the technical improvements, even that have been sought in these new radio and television stations. -Following visit the National School No. 58. In these moments he greets the principal, and in moments he will explain the details of the new school. The President of the Nation, accompanied by the director of the National School No. 58, are heading to visit the classrooms, which by the way and even we have verified, is in very poor condition. The President of the Republic withdrew from the National School No. 58 and was applauded by a large number of the public that had made himself present. - Subsequently, the President of the Nation attends an act. After the words of the Governor of the Province of Formosa, the President of the Republic delivers title deeds to fiscal lands. "(José Corso Gómez / Magnetico)
Date: 10/5/1976
Duration: 7 minutes 7 seconds
Film code: D-01233
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