With the IFSC World Cup season just over a month away, we thought we’d take a look at the goings on from the early season climbing competitions that have already taken place. The French Bouldering Championships took place last weekend and it’s clear that the competition scene could well be seeing a strong challenge from French competitors, but maybe not the climbers we’re used to seeing. In the men’s event, former French champions Guillaume Glairon-Mondet and Thomas Caleyron couldn’t even make the podium, with Jeremy Bonder taking the win. In the women’s competition, Melissa Le Neve got third, with Fanny Gibert taking the win, and last year's champion Marine Thevenet down in 13th. Over in the States, where the national sport climbing championship has just taken place, the results were equally intriguing, with Delaney Miller winning the women’s competition and Kai Lightner taking the men’s title. Better known names such as Alex Puccio, Emily Harrington, Sasha DiGuilian and Carlo Traversi were unable even to make the podiums. We’ll be reporting on all the IFSC events, and going to a couple ourselves so stay tuned for what promises to be a fascinating season.
Unexpected Results Ahead Of The 2015 World Cup Season | EpicTV Climbing Daily, Ep.479