Baby Alive Molly PUNISHMENT For Skipping School! - naughty baby alive baby alive videos

Heha 2017-09-29

Views 416

Baby Alive Molly punishment for being naughty! Baby Alive Molly pretended to be sick so she didnt have to go to school. Her sister Daisy tried to warn her that bad baby alive dolls usually get grounded but Molly decided to be naughty anyway! First Molly jumped on the bed and played with Littlest Pet Shop. Then she was dancing around her room when her mom caught her. Oops! Now she has to get a punishment for being a naughty baby alive. Her mom has her write I will not skip school on a piece of paper. Then she has to sweep the house. When baby alive Daisy gets home from school she tells Molly that they got to make chocolate chip cookies at school. Molly loves chocolate chip cookies and wishes she didnt skip school!\r
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Welcome to TheToyHeroes, a youtube channel featuring doll videos, toys, and videos for kids. We take boring days and turn them into fun play! We encourage kids to use their imaginations, make believe, and have fun! Mr. Rogers said Playing is the work of childhood. Come along and play with Baby Alive, Frozen Anna And Elsa (Frozen toys!), Barbie, and Play-Doh. Watch a funny kids video featuring our toy superheroes, Toy Hero Laura and Toy Hero Dan. We feature toys from Hasbro, Mattel, etc. Here you will find fun kids videos! Thanks for stopping by! You have made our day as bright as the sun for watching our channel! We hope we put some sunshine in your day too!\r
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