Missile Boat Obstacle Course Simulation (Star Wars: TIE Fighter)

Gamma-threve 2017-01-24

Views 13

Another ridiculously-overpowered ship, the Missile Boat wasn't really designed for obstacle courses, but rather for heavy-ordinance bombardments. It holds a lot of missiles/torpedoes/bombs, and also features a tractor beam and deflector shields. However, it lacks in laser firepower (only one cannon, which means every single shot counts), and with all systems diverted into engines, it is capable of Ludicrous Speed.

Like the TIE Advanced/Defender (and to a lesser extent, the Interceptor), when piloting a Missile Boat you have to balance engine speed with your ability to hit targets and/or avoid obstacles. If you turn those corners too hot, you won't be able to tag everything, and with lower shield settings, you basically get one shot per target before it's in your rear-view mirror. This is the last of the Obstacle Course simulations, up next will be some legitimate training missions.

It actually took 3 attempts to upload this video. The first time, it didn't even record, and the 2nd time the file size was too big for this site. That's why this video is only four levels of the course.

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