Te prishesh apo zaptosh hapësirat publike do te thote te përballesh edhe me reagim qytetar. Kjo ka ndodhur ne vendin fqinj Maqedoni: banoret ne Shkup kane protestuar kundër shkatërrimit te parkut "Briston" ne kryeqytet. Tubuesit kane protestuar paqesisht. Ata kane ftuar qytetare te tjere te Maqedonisë, t'i bashkohen protestës kundër zaptimit te këtyre hapësirave publike, qe qeveria synon ti ktheje ne zyra administrative. Ashtu si ne Maqedoni, edhe rebelimi i qytetareve ne Turqi, qe zgjati për jave te tera, erdhi për shkak te prishjes se parkut "Gezi" dhe zëvendësimin e tij me nje komplet tregtar. Megjithëse zaptimi i hapësirave publike ka qene dhe nje problem serioz edhe ne Shqipëri, reagimet e gjera qytetare kane munguar thuajse krejtësisht. Nje shprehje e njohur e Ruzveltit thote se "Parqet jane simbol i humanizmit njerëzor", por ne vendin tone ajo kthehet ne kritike te forte për reagimin shoqëror.
Conquering overwrite or public spaces means to cope with citizen reaction. This has happened in neighboring Macedonia: Skopje residents protested against the destruction of the park "Briston" in the capital. Gatherer, the Unifier protested peacefully. They invited other citizens of Macedonia to join the protest against the occupation of these public spaces, the government intends to revert to the administrative office. Just as in Macedonia, the rebellion of citizens in Turkey, which lasted for several weeks, was due to breaking the park "joy in" and replacing it with a completely commercial. Although the occupation of public spaces and was also a serious problem in Albania, extensive civic reactions were missing almost completely. One of Roosevelt's famous expression that says "Parks are a symbol of human humanism", but in our country it become critical for strong social reaction.