Rrugët te cilat nga demokratet konsiderohen si arritjet me te mëdha ne 8 vitet e qeverisjes, jane vene ne qender te kritikave nga lideri i opozitës Edi Rama. Gjate nje takimi ne Belsh, Rama theksoi se 4 vitet e fundit jane shtuar gropat ne akset vendit e bashke me to, edhe problemet e qytetareve. Rama u shpreh me tej se pas 23 qershorit, socialistet do t'i japin fund monopoleve te krijuara nga qeveria. Zoti Rama prezantoi dhe Musa Ulqinin si kandidat i zonës, duke vlerësuar rikthimin e tij.
Ways that the Democrats are considered the major achievements in the eight years of governance, are placed at the center of criticism from opposition leader Edi Rama. During a meeting in Belsh, Rama said that the last 4 years we have added holes axes of the country along with them, the problems of citizens. Rama said further that after June 23, the Socialists will end monopolies created by the government. Lord Rama and Moses presented as candidate Ulcinj area, praising his comeback.