Arrestohen 5 grabitësit e banesave - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Merrnin shtëpi me qera te kompletuara dhe me pas i grabisnin dhe largoheshin pa paguar detyrimin. Kjo është metoda qe përdorej nga pese te rinj kater meshkuj dhe nje femër, te cilet jane arrestuar mbrëmjen e djeshme nga policia e kryeqytetit. Policia ka rene ne gjurme te tyre pas sinjalizimeve te marra nga qytetare te shumte te cilet kane depozituar kallëzimet duke dhene edhe te dhena per personat qe u ishin paraqitur si klientë afatgjate. Mësohet se zonat me te frekuentuara prej tyre ne Tirane kane qene ato ne rrugën "Muhamed Gjollesha", "Irfan Tomini" ish-fusha e Aviacionit etj, ndersa te njejtin aktivitet pese te arrestuarit e kane zhvilluar edhe ne qytetet si Durrësi, Fieri, Elbasani e Vlora.

Receive rental homes completed and then rob and leave without paying duty. This is the method used by four out of five young men and a woman, who were arrested yesterday evening by police in the capital. Police have dropped in their tracks after signals received from citizens who have filed numerous charges giving the data for persons who were presented as long-term clients. Learned that the areas most frequented by them in Tirana in the way they were "Muhammad Gjollesha", "Irfan Tomini" former Aviation fields, etc., while the same activity of five detainees have developed in cities such as Durres, Fier, Elbasan of Vlora.

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