Zetoristi, Gezim Zyfi flet pas tragjedisë në Devoll - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Gezim Zyfi, drejtuesi i zetorit qe shkaktoi tragjedinë ne Dobranj te Devollit, pak ore pasi ka lene qelite, mes lotesh rrefen per Vizion Plus ngjarjen ku humben jeten dy gra.
I tronditur nga gjithçka ka ndodhur, Zyfi thote se po punonte ne are kur e shoqja i telefonoi per t'i thene se te gjithe banoret po e prisnin, qe t'i kalonte ne anen tjeter te lumit, per te marre pejse ne nje ceremoni mortore. 36-vjeçari baba i tre femijeve, tregon se e ka kaluar njerëz ne lume vetem ne dy raste, njeri prej te cileve rezultoi tragjik. Menjëherë pas kthimit ne fshat, ai ka ngushëlluar familjet e dy viktimave, qe mbajnë te njëjtin mbiemër me te. Zyfi do te qëndroje ne arrest shtepie gjate gjykimit, per akuzat "shkelje e rregullave te qarkullimit rrugor" dhe "drejtim mjeti pa deshmi". Familjare, por dhe bashkëfshatarët, përfshirë edhe te afermit e viktimave po i japin mbështetje per te kaluar kete situate.

Chris Zyfi, director of zetorit that caused the tragedy in Dobranj Devolli, a few hours after leaving the cells, between tears recounting Vizion Plus event that killed two women.
Shocked by all that has happened, Zyfi says it is working we are when his wife called to say that all residents are expected to pass on the other side of the river, to take Pace at a ceremony remains. 36-year-old father of three children, shows that the last people in the river only two cases, one of which resulted in the tragic. Shortly after returning to the village, he consoled the families of the two victims, who bear the same surname. Zyfi will remain under house arrest during the trial, on charges of "violation of traffic rules" and "the direction the vehicle without proof." Family, but also fellow, including relatives of the victims are giving support to overcome this situation.

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