Çështja e punësimit duket se do te jete nje nga temat me te preferuara nga partitë politike këtë fushate elektorale.
Pas prezantimit te platformës nga opozita, edhe mazhoranca i është rikthyer ofertës se punësimit. Kryeministri Berisha, ne vazhdën e turit te takimeve me grupe interesi, zhvilloi per gati 2 ore një takim me akademike, ku paraqiti idetë e se djathtës. Në 4 vitet e fundit investimet e huaja, si edhe investimet publike, janë rreth 12 miliardë dollarë, qe përkthehen në rreth 200 mijë vende pune, tha shefi i qeverise. Por premtimi për një mandat te trete, synon heqjen e taksës mbi kapitalin, si edhe ruajtjen e taksës së sheshtë. Berisha pranoi gjate diskutimit se projekti për te lehtësuar investimet e emigranteve nuk ka qene sipas parashikimit.
The issue of employment is likely to be one of the favorite themes of political parties this election campaign.
After the presentation of the platform by the opposition, the majority of it is returned to the offer of employment. Prime Minister Berisha, in the course of his tour of meetings with stakeholders, held for about 2 hours an academic meeting, where he presented ideas that right. In the last 4 years foreign investment, as well as public investments are about $ 12 billion, which translates into about 200 thousand jobs, said the head of government. But the promise of a third term, aimed at removing the tax on capital, as well as the preservation of the flat tax. Berisha acknowledged during the discussion that the project to facilitate migrants' investments was not as specified.