Pak perpara takimit te 20 marsit ne Bruksel, mes kryeministrit te Kosovës Hashim Thaçi dhe homologut te tij serb Ivica Dacic, mediat serbe zbardhin misionin e baroneshes Ashton, e cila kete jave qendroi ne Kosovë dhe Serbi.
Mesohet se pas negociatave me Prishtinën zyrtare, përfaqësuesja per politike te jashtme Ashton i ka derguar zyrtareve te larte serbe nje draft me dhjete pika, ku propozohet nje rajon evropian ne veri te Kosovës, ne vend te bashkimit te komunave serbe atje. Sipas ketij drafti, ky rajon do te kete kompetenca brenda strukturave dhe institucioneve te Kosovës dhe madje edhe nje gjykata apeli. Ne kebim te formimit te ketij rajoni ne veri, BE dhe Prishtina kerkojne nga Serbia te mos pengoje pranimin e Kosovës ne institucionet ndërkombëtare, duke lene mundesi per nje rezolute te re te këshillit te sigurimit qe do te zëvendësoje ate 12 44. Ne kete dokument kërkohet zbatimi i plote i marreveshjeve te nënshkruara deri me tani nga Bruksel. Me 20 mars, baronesha Ashton, qe kryen edhe rolin e ndërmjetësueses ne keto bisedime do te marre nje përgjigje nga Dacic. Me heret, kryeministri serb eshte shprehur se pakti me Kosovën per çeshtjen e veriut do te nenshkruhet pasi te pranohen kerkesat e Beogradit zyrtar.
Just before the March 20 meeting in Brussels between Kosovo's prime minister Hashim Thaci and his Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic, Serbian media reveal the mission of Baroness Ashton, who this week remained in Kosovo and Serbia.
Learned that after negotiations with Pristina official representative for foreign policy Ashton has sent senior Serbian officials a draft with ten points, which proposed a European region in the north of Kosovo, instead of uniting the Serbian municipalities there. According to this draft, the region will have the power within the structures and institutions of Kosovo and even an appellate court. We kebim the formation of this region in the north, EU and Pristina request from Serbia not preclude the admission of Kosovo in international institutions, leaving the possibility of a new Security Council resolution that would replace it 12 44. In this paper requires full implementation of the agreements signed so far from Brussels. March 20, Baroness Ashton, who performs the role of ndërmjetësueses in these talks will get a response from the Dacic. Earlier, Serbian Prime Minister stated that on the issue of northern Kosovo pact will be signed after accepted requirements of Belgrade.