Moti me kapricot e tij vazhdon te krijoje probleme nga veriu ne jug te vendit. Juglindja eshte mbuluar nga debora, çka ka sjelle veshtiresi ne qarkullimin e mjeteve sidomos ne rruget qe lidhin korces me Tiranën dhe Ersekën. Ne Qafe Thane, Qafe Plloce dhe Qafe Qarri kalohet me veshtiresi dhe me zinxhire. Por ne mengjes dhjetëra mjete jane bllokuar per afro dy ore per shkak te shtresave te akullit ne rruge. Gjate paradites pala maqedonase ka penguar kalimin e mjeteve ne doganen e Qafe Thanes per shkak te bllokimit te rruges ne anen tjeter te kufirit. Rreshqitjet e tokes pas reshjeve te dendura te shiut kane bllokuar prej ditesh segmentin kombetar Elbasan-Gramsh. Pavarësisht nderhyrjes se punonjësve te rrugeve, aksi vazhdon te jete i bllokuar ne vendin e quajtur ura e Shushicës. Mjetet kane kaluar ne nje rruge te vjeter qe lidh dy rrethet. Po per shkak te rrëshqitjeve banesat ne fshatin fshatin Labinot fushe rrezikojnë te shemben. Drejtues te zyres se urbanistikes thone se tre familje te lagjes Bicaj duhet te evakuohen, pasi zona paraqet rrezikshmëri.
His whim weather continues to create problems from north to south of the country. Southeast is covered by snow, which has led to difficulties in the movement of vehicles, especially in ways that connect Korca and Tirana and Ersekën. Thane neck, neck Ploce and neck Qarri passed with difficulty and with chains. But in the morning dozens of vehicles were stranded for nearly two hours because of the ice sheet in the street. During the morning the Macedonian side has prevented the transfer of Qafe Customs Thana due to the blocking of the road on the other side of the border. Extensive landslides after heavy rain have blocked for days Elbasan-national segment Gramsh. Despite intervention, street workers, axis remains locked in place of the called Susica bridge. Means we have passed an old road connecting the two cities. But due to landslides Labinot village village housing area at risk of collapse. Urban office executives say the three Bicaj neighborhood families to be evacuated, as the area poses a risk.