Komisioni parlamentar i Jashtëm pritet te thërrasë ne nje seance informuese ministrin Edmond Panariti, per dy çeshtjet e fundit qe kane tronditur sipas opozitës diplomacinë shqiptare: situate e rende ekonomike e ambasadave tona neper bote, si edhe Memo e ambasadës se SHBA per tonet nacionaliste te qeverise.
Kryetari Komisionit te Jashtem, demokrati Fatos Beja duke pranuar gjendjen e vështirë te ambasadave per shkak te mungesës se parave, tha se u bene përpjekje gjate hartimit te buxhetit per te shtuar fondet e ministrisë, por nuk ja dolën. Pak dite me pare, mediat publikuan nje letër ku ambasadori shqiptar ne Uashington, Gilbert Galanxhi, shprehte me teper shqetësim, nevojën per fonde shtese pasi paratë e akorduara nuk mjaftonin as per te paguar qerane e godinës.
Foreign Parliamentary Committee is expected to convene in a session information Minister Edmond Panariti, for the last two issues that have troubled the opposition Albanian diplomacy: The dire economic situation of our embassies around the world, as well as the U.S. embassy memo for the government's nationalist tones.
Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee, Democrat Fatos Beja recognizing the plight of the embassies because of lack of money, said efforts were made during the preparation of the budget to increase funding of the ministry, but failed. A few days ago, the media published a paper where the Albanian ambassador in Washington, Gilbert Galanxhi, expressed more concern, the need for additional funds because money allocated is not enough even to pay the rent of the building.