Tubimi i AK ne Librazhd - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-23

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Nga Librazhdi, kreu i Aleancës Kuq e Zi, Kreshnik Spahiu ka sulmuar kryeministrin Berisha, quke e quajtur ate diktatorin e fundit.
Spahiu iu referua edhe ngjarjeve te fundit, dhe ekzekutimit ne mes te kryeqytetit te kryekomisar Dritan Lamajt, për te deklaruar se shefi I qeverise, duhet te marre përgjigjen e duhur ne 23 qershor, ne mënyre qe te marre fund edhe sundimi i krimit dhe grabitjes. Kryetari i Aleancës Kuq e Zi, është ndalur edhe ne tubimin, qe kjo force pritet te zhvilloje gjate muajit Prill ne Tirane, me qellim rrezmin e pushtetit te Berishes.

Librazhd, Red and Black Alliance, Kreshnik Spahiu has attacked Prime Minister Berisha, quke called him last dictator.
Spahiu also referred to recent events, and execution in the middle of the capital of the Chief Dritan Lamaj, to declare that the head of government, must take proper reply on June 23, in order to come to an end the rule of crime and robbery. Red and Black Alliance Chairman, stopped at the rally, that this force is expected to develop during the month of April in Tirana, with the aim rrezmin Berisha government.

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