Komisioni i Medias iu ka lene dy jave kohe relatoreve Mark Marku dhe Alfred Dalipi per te gjetur nje formule konsensuale per anëtarin e 7 te autoritetit te mediave audiovizive.
Kryetarja e komisionit Valentina Leskaj ka theksuar rendësine e arritjes se nje marrëveshje qe garanton pavarësinë e institucionit. Sipas saj, propozimi i opozitës per te zgjedhur anëtarin e shtate te AMA-s me shumice te cilësuar ose me short, eshte mbështetur nga faktori ndërkombëtar dhe jep me shume garanci. Por sipas nënkryetarit te komisionit Mark Marku formula e propozuar nga maxhoranca nuk e përjashton konsensusin dhe eshte nje model, qe aplikohet ne shumicën e vendeve te BE. Maxhoranca ka kerkuar qe anëtari i 7 i AMA-s te zgjidhet me shumice te thjeshte votash, propozim ky qe ka shkaktuar ngerç ne komisionin e Medias per shkak te mosarritjes se konsensusit mes demokrateve dhe socialisteve.
Media Commission was left two weeks time relator Mark Mark and Alfred Dalipi to find a consensus formula for member 7 audiovisual media authority.
Chairwoman of the Committee Valentina Leskaj stressed the importance of reaching an agreement that guarantees the independence of the institution. According to her, the opposition's proposal to select the seventh member of the AMA's qualified majority or short, is supported by the international community and gives more guarantees. But according to commission deputy Mark Mark formula proposed by the majority does not rule consensus and is a model, which applies to most EU countries. Majority demanded that 7 of the AMA's member to be elected with a simple majority vote, this proposal has caused cramp in Media Commission because of the failure to reach consensus among Democrats and Socialists.