Gjyqi 21 janarit, mbrojtja kërkon pafajësinë - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Vetem pak dite pas dhenies se pretences se prokurorise per te akuzuarit e 21 janarit, përkatësisht 23 vjet burg per ish-komandantin Ndrea Prendi dhe 25 vjet burg per vartesin e tij Agim Llupo, ka qene sot radha e pales mbrojtese.
Genc Gjokutaj, avokati mbrojtes i Prendit, kerkoi sot shpalljen te pafajshem te klientit te tij pasi ate dite Garda zbatoi vetem ligjin. "Nuk eshte provuar ne asnje moment qe vrasjet ti kete kryer Ndrea Prendi ndaj une sot kerkoj shpalljen te pafajshem te tij..." Madje avokati mbrojtës i Prendit shtoi se urdhri per te qelluar mbi turmen nuk eshte dhene nga ish-Komandanti i Gardes. Ndersa Besnik Cerekja, avokati mbrojtes i ish-gardistit Agim Llupo, i akuzuar per vrasjen e protestuesve Ziver Veizi dhe Hekuran Deda, ka deklaruar se me 21 janar Garda ka qelluar vetem per vetëmbrojte. Madje ai ka shkuar me tej duke akuzuar prokurorinë per qendrim te padrejte ndaj kesaj çeshtjeje dhe per dëmtim te hetimeve.

Only a few days after giving the pretenses that prosecution for the accused January 21, or 23 years in prison for former commander Ndre Prendi and 25 years in prison for his subordinates Agim Llupo, today was the turn of the defense.
Genc Gjokutaj defense lawyer Prendi, today demanded acquittal of his client after that day Garda applied only law. "It is not proven in any moment that you have committed murders Ndre Prendi to today I ask his acquittal ..." Furthermore counsel Prendi added the order to fire on the crowd is not given by the former commander of the Guard. While Loyalty quarter, lawyer of former gardistit Sunrise Llupo, accused of killing of protesters Ziver Veizi and Hekuran Deda, said that on January 21 Guard fired only in self-defense. He even went further, accusing the prosecution for an unfair attitude towards this issue and damage the investigation.

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