Kuvendi, debat për ndarjen e mandateve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Kuvendi debatoi per disa ore caktimin e mandateve parlamentare per zgjedhjet e pergjithshme, te parashikuara te mbahen ne 23 qershor. Palet akuzuan njera-tjetren per deshtimin e KQZ ne vendimmarrje, qe do te rishperndante mandatet duke respektuar zhvendosjen e popullsise. Per demokratet, mundesia e vetme per te shmangur kolapsin e procesit elektoral mbetet nderhyrja e Kuvendit, por socialistet thone se edhe ne kete faze te vendimmarrjes duhet perfillet opozita. Duke miratuar skemen e ndarjes se mandateve sipas vitit 2009, referuar shifrave te Ministrise se Brendshme, qarku i Korçes dhe i Beratit ruajne te njejtin numer mandatesh megjithe pakesimin e numrit te popullsise, ndersa ne Tirane e Durres serish nuk do te kete mandate shtese, edhe pse ne keto njesi vendore jane shtuar banoret.

Parliament debated for several hours allocating parliamentary seats for the general elections, set to take place on 23 June. Sides blamed each other for the failure of the CEC decision, which will rishperndante mandates respecting population displacement. For Democrats, the only possibility to avoid the collapse of the electoral process remains the intervention of Parliament, but the socialists say that even at this stage of the decision-making should defy the opposition. By adopting the scheme of allocation as of 2009, referred to Interior Ministry figures, the region of Korca and Berat preserve the same number of seats despite a decrease in the number of the population, while Tirana and Durres again there will be no additional mandates, even Although in these local units are added residents.

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