Mandatet ndahen si në 2009-ën -- Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Votimi i shumices i ka hapur rrugen parlamentit te miratoje ndarjen e mandateve, sipas skemes te vitit 2009.
Socialistet e kane kundeshtuar kete projekt, duke sjelle si argument thelbesor, se brenda 4 viteve numri i popullsise ka ndryshuar, por edhe eshte zhvendosur nga nje qark ne tjetrin. Me heret, debati mes drejtuesve te KQZ qe dështuan te merrnin vendim per caktimin e mandateve per zgjedhjet e 23 qershorit, u zhvendos ne tryezen e komisionit te Ligjeve. Per me shume se 3 ore, kryetarja dhe nenkryetari i KQZ shpalosen permes pergjigjeve te pyetjeve te deputeteve, qendrime krejt te kunderta perse Komisioni Qendror nuk arriti te kryente rishpërndarjen e numrit te deputeteve ne 12 qarqet. Vendimmarrja e demokrateve ne komisionin e Ligjeve, ka rrezuar keshtu mundësinë per kompromis me opozitën ne caktimin e mandateve, por duket se ja ka dale te siguroje 4 votat e LSI per projektin e saj. Partia e Ilir Metes eshte kundër zbritjes se numrit te deputeteve ne Berat, nje nga propozimet e hedhura ne tavoline, përpos atij te zbritjes se numrit te mandateve ne Kukës.

Majority vote has paved the way parliament to approve the allocation of seats, according to the scheme in 2009.
Socialists have objected to the project, bringing essential argument, that within 4 years the number of people has changed, but is shifted from one circuit to another. Ago, the debate between the leaders of the CEC failed to take a decision for the allocation of seats for the June 23 elections, moved to the table of the Law Commission. For more than 3 hours, and Deputy Speaker of the CEC disclosed through answering the questions of the deputies, quite the opposite attitudes why the Central Committee failed to accomplish the redistribution of the number of deputies in the 12 counties. Decision of the Democrats in the Law Commission has crashed the ability to compromise with the opposition in the allocation of seats, but it seems that has managed to secure 4 LSI votes for its project. Ilir Meta party is against the deduction of the number of deputies in Berat, one of the proposals placed on the table, except that of the deduction of the number of seats in Kukes.

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