Fier, vrasja e 21-vjeçarit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Një dite pas vrasjes se te riut 21-vjeçar ne Fier, policia e qytetit ka zbardhur disa detaje lidhur me ngjarjen e rende. Uniformat blu thane se i riu Andi Prfiti, është vrare me arme te ftohte, qe dyshohet te jete thike, dhe jo me arme zjarri sikundër u deklarua ne fillim. Pas verifikimit te vendit te ngjarjes dhe kufomës, mjeku ligjor konkludoi se 21- vjeçari ka gjetur vdekjen pas goditjeve qe ka marre me thike. Ndërkohë burime policore bëjnë me dije se viktima kishte fituar një sasi prej 60 mije lekësh ne një nga pikat e basteve sportive. Pas kësaj Andi Prifti u largua nga shtëpia dhe nuk erdhi me. Ky element ka ngritur dyshime lidhur me vrasjen e tij çka e ka bere policinë te hetoje edhe ne këtë drejtim. Turpi i tij u gjet i pajete ne vendin e quajtur Kulla e Ujit ne kthesën e Fierit nga kalimtare te rastit. Burime nga grupi hetimore bejne me dije se vrasja nuk është kryer ne vendin ku u gjet kufoma, por ne një tjetër vend dhe trupi është hedhur aty ne përpjekje për të fshehur gjurmët.

A day after the murder of the young 21-year-old in Fier, the city police has solved some details regarding a serious event. Said that the blue uniforms junior Andy Prfiti, is killed with cold weapons, which is suspected to be a knife, and not firearms as was stated in the beginning. After verification of the scene and the body, the forensic doctor concluded that the 21-year-old has died after attacks that has taken with a knife. Meanwhile, police sources suggest that the victim had won an amount of 60 thousand lek in a sports betting points. After that Andy Priest left the house and did not come with. This element has raised doubts about his death which has made the police to investigate in this direction. His shame was found dead in a place called Water Tower in Fier turnaround from bystanders. Investigative group sources suggest that the murder was not committed in the place where the bodies were found, but in another place, and the body was dumped there in an attempt to hide their tracks.

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