Berisha për vonesat ne paga - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Kryeministri Sali Berisha ka sqaruar ne mbledhje qeverie problemin e vonesave ne shpërndarjen e pagave dhe pagesave per invalidët.
Gjate mbledhjes se qeverise kryeministri ka sqaruar se kjo situate erdhi pasi u vonua dorëzimi i liste pagesave ne degen e thesarit, nderkohe qe per invalidët përgjegjësia sipas tij bie mbi pushtetin vendor. Gjate mbledhjes se qeverise Berisha eshte ndalur serish tek dhenia e pasaportës per shqiptaret qe jetojne jashte kufijve, duke kerkuar sa me shpejt një vendim qe ua mundëson kete bashkëkombësve qe jetojne ne vendet e zones shengen dhe vendeve te tjera qe nuk kane viza me BE, ne mënyrë qe te mos kete efekte negative ne procesin e liberalizimit te vizave. Gjate mbledhjes se qeverise kryeministri ka kerkuar pergatitjen e nje vendimi qe te përjashtojë nga taksat antenat e telefonisë celulare. Nderkohe, qe jashte mbledhjes nuk ka mbetur edhe komunikimi virtual pasi lideri i maxhorances u ka lene afat ministrave qe deri diten e shtune te hapin nje faqe facebook dhe te publikojnë numrat e tyre te telefonit per te komunikuar me qytetaret.

Prime Minister Sali Berisha explained in the government meeting the problem of delays in the distribution of wages and salaries for the disabled.
During the meeting of the Government Prime Minister explained that this situation came after was delayed submission of the list of payments in treasury branch, while for disabled people under his responsibility falls on local government. During the meeting of the Berisha government was stopped again to passport data for Albanians living abroad, looking as soon as a decision that allows this fellow living in the Schengen area countries and other countries who do not have visas to the EU, we so that there are no negative effects on the visa liberalization process. During the meeting the Prime Minister has requested the preparation of a government decision to exempt from taxation mobile phone antennas. Meanwhile, outside the meeting has not left virtual communication as majority leader has left ministers term up on Saturday to open a facebook page and publish their phone numbers to communicate with citizens.

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