Sikur te mos mjaftoje mungesa e ilaçeve ne spitale, te sëmuret i kane paguar medikamentet edhe me shtrenjte se një vit me pare. Kreu i urdhrit te farmacisteve ka denoncuar pikat e dobëta te këtij sistemi ku sipas tij një sere shërbimesh ndaj pacienteve mbeten ne nivele kritike. Sipas Arjan Jaupllarit, ka një shpërndarje kaotike te farmacive, ku vetëm importues dhe shpërndarës janë mbi 150, pa llogaritur ata qe shesin ne mënyre iformale, duke ju shmangur detyrimeve doganore. E gjithë kjo situate sipas urdhrit e farmacisteve vjen për shkak edhe te kontrolleve rutine qe i behet këtij sektori dhe qe nuk përqendrohen tek demet qe mund ti vijnë pacientit si pasoje e këtij kaosi qe mbizotëron ne treg.
Were it not suffice lack of medicines in hospitals, patients have paid even more expensive drugs than a year ago. Pharmacists order leader denounced the weak points of this system which according to him a number of services to patients remain at critical levels. By Arjan Jaupllari, has a chaotic distribution of pharmacies, where the only importer and distributor are over 150, not counting those who sell in order iformale, you avoid customs duties. All of this situation on the order of pharmacists is due to routine checks performed on this sector and not focus on the damage that can come to patients as a result of this chaos that prevails in the market.