Historia e familjes Shpendi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Festat e fundvitit kane nisur te kremtohen, por jo te gjithe kane mundesi t'i fesotjne ato. Familja e Mehmet Shpendit prej 5 anëtaresh ne lagjen "Livade" ne periferi te Shkodres jeton ne kushte ekstreme varfërie me problemin e vetem, ate te sigurimit te ekzistencës. Si te mos mjaftonte mjerimi, kësaj familjeje i duhet te mendoje edhe djalin 29-vjeçar te paralizuar dhe me probleme mendore. Familja Shpendi nuk ka as shtëpi, por strehohet ne nje dhome te vogel ne konviktin e shkollës veterinare. Zonja e shtëpisë, Lumturije Shpendi, tregon, se te peste ata jetojne me pensionin e te birit prej 90 mije lekësh te vjetra, ndersa bashkëshorti apo fëmijët jane te papune. Ushqimet i marrin me liste, dhe borxhi ne te, tashme i ka kaluar 500 mije leket. Shitesi i dyqanit, nga ana tjeter mjaftohet vetem duke shfletuar bllokun e tij te borxheve, te cilat thote, se kane arritur deri ne 10 milionë leke te vjetra, para qe nuk dihet sesi do t'i marre.

The holidays have begun to celebrate, but not all have the opportunity to fesotjne them. Shpend Mehmet family of 5 members in the neighborhood "Livade" on the outskirts of Shkodra living in extreme poverty conditions only problem, that of providing existence. As not enough misery, the family must think 29-year-old boy paralyzed and mentally disabled. Bird family has no home, but housed in a small room at the veterinary school dormitory. The lady of the house, Lumturije bird, shows that the fifth they live with pension of 90 thousand lek old son, while her husband or children are unemployed. Receive food list, and in debt, has already spent 500 thousand. Seller of the shop, on the other hand is limited only by browsing block his debts, that is, to have reached up to 10 million lek old, before you do not know how it will be received.

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