Socialistet akuzojnë ministrin e Mbrojtjes Arben Imami se ka gënjyer publikisht Komisionin e Sigurise, per fatin e spitalit ushtarak ne Tirane.
Piro Lutaj informoi se ka marre dijeni qe qeveria do te miratoje brenda pak ditësh kalimin e spitalit nga varësia e ministrisë se Mbrojtjes, tek ajo e Shendetesise, ndryshe nga sa ka thene ne Komision Zoti Imami. Nje çeshtje tjeter e debatuar ne komisionin e Sigurisë ishte dhe retorika e diteve te fundit e kryeministrit Berisha. Te nxitur nga reagimi i vendeve fqinje per kete, nënkryetari i Komisionit Ilir Gjoni kerkoi nje seance dëgjimore me Ministrin e Jashtem Edmond Panariti, per t'u njohur me planin reagues te diplomacisë shqiptare ne interes te sigurisë kombëtare. Deputetet ftuan per te raportuar edhe ministrin e Ekonomise per shitjen e kompanisë Albpetrol.
Socialists accuse Defense Minister Arben Imami lying publicly Safety Commission, the fate of the military hospital in Tirana.
Piro Lutaj informed that it has become aware that the government will approve the hospital within a few days over dependency of the Ministry of Defence to that of Health, contrary to what has said Mr. Imami Commission. Another issue debated in the Security Commission was the rhetoric of recent days of Prime Minister Berisha. To promote the reaction of neighboring countries for this, Ilir Commission deputy John requested a hearing with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Edmond Panariti, to be familiar with the plan responsive to diplomacy in the interest of national security. Deputies called to report the Minister of Economy for the sale of the company Albpetrol.