Bode në "Debat" për projektbuxhetin e 2013 - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Ministri i Financave Ridvan Bode e ka pershkuar tre mujorin e fundit, si momentin kur ekonomia shqiptare ka prekur fundin. Ne emisionin "Debat" përballe nje paneli gazetaresh; ministri i Financave Ridvan Bode ka sqaruar se rritja e kufirit te borxhit eshte e vetmja rruge per te mos lejuar ekonominë te bjere ne nokdawn. Duke ulur serish pritshmërinë per rritjen ekonomike gjate vitit 2012 deri ne 2%; ministri i Financave ka theksuar se ky ehste moment me i disfavorshem per Shqipërinë. Ne lidhje me privatizimin e Albpetrolit, Bode ka deklaruar se qeveria nuk e ka arkëtuar shumen prej 170 milione euro qe perben garancinë e kontratës; duke theksuar se tashme qeveria po punon per te marre 85 milionë euro qe "Vetro" vuri si garanci. Si sekretar i përgjithshëm i PD, Bode ka deklaruar se betejën e ardhshme elektorale PD është gati ta fitoje e vetme edhe pa LSI. Bode ka shprehur rezerva per miratimin e rezolutes per çeshtjen çame; duke deklaruar se miratimi do te vije pas shikimit me kujdes te tekstit te saj. Ne lidhje me CEZ, Bode ka deklaruar se administrimi shtetëror eshte rruga me e mire per perballimin e situates. Dy jave para mbylljes se vitit ministri i Financave ka deklaruar se te gjithe buxhetoret do te marrin shpërblim prej 10 mije lekësh.

Finance Minister Ridvan Bode has traversed the last quarter, as the time when the economy has touched bottom. We show "Debate" in front of a panel of journalists; Finance Minister Ridvan Bode explained that raising the debt limit is the only way to prevent the economy to fall in nokdawn. Lowering expectations for economic growth again in 2012 to 2%; Finance Minister said that this give success less favorable moment for the country. In connection with the privatization of Albpetrol, Bode said that the government has not received the amount of 170 million euro which is the guarantee of the contract; stressing that the present government is working to receive 85 million euros "VETRO" put as collateral. As general secretary of the PD, Bode stated that the next battle DP is ready to win election without a single LSI. Bode has expressed reservations about the adoption of the resolution on the issue Cham; stating that approval will come after carefully viewing the text thereof. In connection with CEZ, Bode said that the state administration is the best way to face the situation. Two weeks before the end of that year the Minister of Finance has stated that the entire budget will receive a reward of 10 thousand lek.

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