Rendohet situata nga bora - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Rendohet situata ne akset rrugore ne juglindje te vendit.
Dëbora ka arritur tashme ne 15 cm trashësi, por ne rruge nuk është marre asnje mase per hedhjen e skorjes dhe kripes. Shkak eshte bere mostenderimi i fondit per te pakten 8 akse rrugore qe perfshin Korça. Tender eshte zhvilluar vetem per akset Zemblak-Kapshtice dhe Zemblak-Dogana e Gorices. Kete te merkure situata paraqitet problematike ne akset qafe Qarri-Leskovik, Boboshtice-Dardhe, Voskop Voskopoje dhe akset qe lidhin Zemblakun me pjeset e doganës. Drejtuesit e automjeteve pohojnë se vetem me dy dite reshje debore jane krijuar problemet e para, qe rrezikojne te shtohen ditet e tjera. Drejtuesit e rrugeve nacionale ne Korçe nuk pranojne te flasin per situaten e krijuar dhe arsyen perse nuk jane zhvilluar tenderat ne kohen e duhur. Por jashte kameres mesohet se problemet kane ardhur per shkak te shkrirjeve te ndermarrjeve te rrugeve dhe perqendrimeve te tyre ne nje drejtori qe perfshin disa qarqe.

Deteriorating situation in road axes in the southeast of the country.
Snow has already reached 15 cm thickness, but the road not taken any measure for throwing skorjes and salt. Cause is made ??fund mostenderimi to least 8 road axes that includes Korca. Tender is only developed the the axes Zemblak-Kapshtice and Zemblak Gorica Customs. This Wednesday problematic situations in the neck axis Qarri-Leskovik, Boboshtice-Pears, Voskop Voskopoja and axes connecting Zemblakun with custom parts. Drivers claim that only two days of snow precipitation are creating money problems, which threaten to add other days. Leaders of national roads in Korce refuse to talk about the situation and the reason why they are not developed timely tenders. But off camera learned that the problems have been due to mergers of enterprises roads and their concentrations in a directory that includes several counties.

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