Nje pjese e qyteteve te vendit vijojne te mos furnizohen me uje te pijshem.
Ne Kuçove dhe fshatrat e saj CEZ mban ende te stakuar energjinë elektrike ne nënstacionet mekanike, ndersa ne Patos dhe Pishporo jane dëmtuar pompat e ujit. Sipas drejtuesve te ujësjellësit te Kuçovës, ndërmarrja i ka paguar detyrimet ndaj CEZ qe prej 2007 e ne vijim, por kane mbetur ende te pashlyera vetëm kamatëvonesat. Per kete arsye CEZ ka ndërprere energjine elektrike, duke detyruar banoret te mbushin uje ne nje çezme ne periferi te qytetit, e vetmja qe furnizohej mr energji. Nderkohe, ne qytete te tjera furnizimi me uje eshte rikthyer sipas orareve te mëparshme. Nderkohe, mijera banore te tre komunave Dermenas, Qender dhe Topoje ne Fier nuk kane uje te pijshëm si pasoje e dëmtimit te pompave ne fshatin Poro te komunes Levan. Drejtuesit e ujesjellesit kane depozituar nje padi penale per CEZ, duke e akuzuar se ka dëmtuar rrjetin, pas stakimit te menjëhershëm te energjisë. Sipas kompanisë CEZ, energjia elektrike eshte nderprere ne ujesjellesat e 13 bashkive, ndersa ne kater te tjera eshte rilidhur nga policia. Nderkohe, e paqarte eshte edhe situata me punonjësit e CEZ te ndaluar nga policia nje dite me pare. Vete kompania pohon se ata jane liruar, ndersa sipas informacioneve nga komisariatet e rretheve ata pritet te marrin masen e sigurisë.
A part of the following country towns not supplied with drinking water.
We Kuçove and its villages CEZ holds still stakuar electricity substations mechanical, while in Patos and Pishporo are damaged water pumps. Under water Kucova leaders, the company has paid due to the following CEZ since 2007, but have remained outstanding only kamat?vonesat. For this reason, CEZ has off power, forcing residents to fill water in a pump on the outskirts of the city, the only one who supplied energy mr. Meanwhile, in other towns water supply is restored by previous schedules. Meanwhile, thousands of residents of three municipalities Dermenas, and Topoje center in Fier have no drinking water as a result of damage to pumps in the village commune Poro Levan. Water supply managers have filed a criminal complaint for CEZ, claiming that it has damaged the network, after stakimit instant energy. According to the company CEZ, electricity is cut off in the water supply of 13 municipalities, while in the other four is reconnect the police. Meanwhile, unclear is the situation with CEZ employees detained by police a day earlier. The company claims that they have been released, and according to information from the district stations they expected to receive a security measure.