Vlera e shtuar e kredisë per autostradën Levan-Vlorë ka sjelle debate mes opozitës dhe mazhorances ne seance plenare.
Deputeti socialist Erion Braçe leshoi akuza te drejtpërdrejta ndaj ish-ministrit te Transporteve Lulzim Basha, qe sipas tij ka favorizuar kompani serbe dhe se kostot e këtij korrupsioni po i paguajnë sot qytetaret shqiptare. Por ministri aktual i Transportit Sokol Olldashi u shpreh se kjo autostrade është ndërtuar me koston me te ulet ne Ballkan, vetëm 2.45 mln euro për km. Brace ka akuzuar dhe qeverinë se ka lene pas dore qarkun e Beratit, duke e izoluar krejtësisht, pasi nuk është investuar ne asnjë prej rrugët lidhëse te tij me qytetet e tjera.
Value added per credit Levan-Vlore highway has led to debate between the opposition and the majority in the plenary session.
Socialist MP Erion Brace issued direct accusations against former Transport Minister Basha, who in his favored Serbian company and pay the costs of this corruption is today the Albanian citizens. But the current Minister of Transport Olldashi said that this highway was built with the lowest cost in the Balkans, only 2.45 million euros per km. Brace accused and the government has neglected district of Portland, entirely isolated, as it is not invested in any of its connecting roads to other cities.