Krasniqi i kërkon ndjesë Rexhepit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Kryetari i parlamentit te Kosovës, Jakup Krasniqi ka tërhequr sot akuzat e bera ne seancën e nje dite me pare ne adrese te ministrave te qeverise Thaçi e ne veçanti drejt Ministrit te Brendshëm Bajram Rexhepi. Nje dite me pare Krasniqi pas nje debati te ashper dhe beri mbi ministrin Rexhepi akuza te forta, duke e quajtur ate edhe rrugaç, pas rrethimi te parlamentit me police. Krasniqi e akuzoi ministrin per aleanca te fshehta politike me disa parti, mes te cilave edhe me Vetëvendosjen, ndërsa kërkoi dorëheqjen. "Doja te gjoja para jush, me vjen shume keq, i tërheq te gjitha akuzat. E kam detyre te them qe me vjen keq pavarësisht çfare ndjej." Kryeparlamentari nuk ishte i pranishëm ne seancën e sotme qe ne fillim te saj, por ne fund te saj kërkoi falje publike per fjalorin dhe tonin e zërit te përdorur nje dite me pare. Parlamenti miratoi sot me nje minimum votash per shkak se ne salle ishin te pranishëm shume pak deputete, raportin e punës se Komisionit Qendror te Zgjedhjeve, pas pezullimit te punimeve ne seancën e te enjtes.

Kosovo Parliament Speaker Jakup Krasniqi has attracted allegations made ??today in the session the day before the address of Thaçi government ministers in particular to Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi. The day before Krasniqi after a fierce debate and made ??the Minister Rexhepi strong accusations, calling him thug, after the siege of parliament with police. Krasniqi accused Minister for covert political alliance with several parties, among which self-determination, and called for the resignation. "I wanted to allegedly in front of you, I'm very sorry, i withdraw all charges. I have a duty to tell you I'm sorry no matter what I feel. "Speaker was not present at today's session at the beginning of it, but at the end of her public apology to vocabulary and tone of voice to use the day before. Parliament approved today with a minimum vote because the halls were very few MPs present, the report of the work of the Central Election Commission, after the suspension of work in Thursday's session.

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