Fier, punonjësit e CEZ në protestë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pas pushimit nga puna 30 ish-punonjës se kompanisë CEZ kane bllokuar dyert e filialit te qytetit te fierit.
Ata kane vendosur dryna dhe zinxhirë per te penguar futjen ne ambientet e punes te punonjësve te administratës dhe sportelisteve qe marrin pagesat e faturave. Punonjësit pretendojne se jane pushuar pa te drejte nga puna, pas mosrealizimit te nje plani prej 50 milione leke ne muaj, shume qe duhet ta mblidhnin nga faturimet e klientëve. Kompania CEZ ka reaguar me nje deklarate per shtyp ku thekson se punonjësit jane pushuar per shkak te performances se dobet dhe abuzimeve ne pune. CEZ pohon se gjate gjithe kesaj kohe ka pasur ne monitorim punonjesit me qellim permiresimin e sherbimit ndaj klienteve e nderkohe ka trajnuar edhe staf te ri per te zëvendësuar abuzuesit. Kompania paralajmeron se personat qe kane bere mbifaturime dhe nenfaturime do te kete masa disiplinore pushim nga puna deri ne ndjekje penale.

After firing 30 former employees that CEZ have blocked the doors of the subsidiary company of the city of Fier.
They have decided locks and chains to prevent the entry in work environments and sportelisteve administration employees who receive payments of bills. Employees claim to have been unfairly dismissed, after the non-realization of a plan of 50 million in a month, the more you have to collect from the bills of customers. CEZ company has responded with a press release which states that employees are dismissed because of poor performance and labor abuses. CEZ claims that during all this time has been in monitoring employees in order to improve the service to customers while also trained new staff to replace abusers. The company warns that people who have done surcharges and nenfaturime will have disciplinary dismissal to prosecution.

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