"Skënderbeu" tërhiqet Schmitt - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-22

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Pese vjet pas debatit qe shkaktoi ne vend monografia e albanologut Oliver Shmit mbi Skenderbeun, autori ndihet i keqardhur. I rikthyer ne Tirane per te promovuar nje tjeter botim, Shmit pohon se ato çka publikoi ne vitin 2008 mbi heroin kombetar, jane keqkuptuar. Sipas tij, Skenderbeu ishte dhe mbetet arbër, por pavarësisht terheqjes ne dukje, albanologu nuk heq dore nga disa kritika te luftës qe beri Skënderbeu. Deklaratat e albanologut, nje personazh kontrovers, i cili me botimin ne shqip te monografisë mbi Skënderbeun shkaktoi kundërshti te shumta nga akademike, historiane e politikane erdhën gjate promovimit te librit "Historia e Shqiptareve". Botimi përmbledh kumtesa te 13 albanologeve te huaj ne fushën e historisë apo gjuhës sonë.

Five years after the debate that led to the country monographs Albanologist Oliver Schmitt on Scanderbeg, author feel keqardhur. I returned to Tirana to promote another publication, Schmitt claims that those which released in 2008 on the national hero, are misunderstood. According to him, Skanderbeg was and remains Arber, but despite the withdrawal noted scholar waives some criticism of the war that made Skanderbeg. Statements Albanologist, a controversial character, who with the publication in Albanian monograph on Scanderbeg caused controversy from many academic historians and politicians came during the promotion of the book "History of the Albanians." The publication includes papers of 13 foreign Albania specialists in the field of history or our language.

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