Pas denoncimit te aferave korruptive me shitjen e armeve, PS ka filluar denoncimin e skandalit te shitjes se pronave te ushtrisë.
Deputeti Taulant Balla ka akuzuar ministrin e Mbrojtjes Arben Imami se po shet me çmime qesharake dhe pa transparence pronat e ushtrisë. Sipas tij jane me shume se 17 milion m2 te cilat Imami po i tjetërson duke anashkaluar edhe Kuvendin. Sipas Balles procesi i shitjes se pronave te ushtrisë nuk ka transparence ndërkohë qe fondet e përfituara mund te ishin përdorur për shtresa sociale ndaj te cilave shtetit ka detyrime.
After denouncing corruption affairs with arms sales, the PS started denouncing the scandal of selling the property to the army.
Taulant Balla MP has accused Defence Minister Arben Imami that is selling at ridiculous and without transparency properties army. According to him are more than 17 million m2 which alienates Imam bypassing Parliament. According to Balla process of selling military property no transparency while the funds received could have been used for social layer to which the state has obligations.