Kur duhen edhe pak dite nga publikimi i progres-raportit te Komisionit Europian per Shqipërinë, ambasadori i BE ne Tirane Etore Sequi ka deklaruar se përgjigjja e sakte per statusin e vendit kandidat do te jepet vetëm ne datën 10 tetor. Deklarata eshte bere pas takimit qe diplomati i larte i Brukselit zhvilloi ne selinë roze me kreun socialist Edi Rama. "Do te mund t'ju jap nje pergjigje te sakte vetem me 10 tetor. Tani per tani nuk di asgje. Ne 10 tetor ne oren 19.30 do t'ju publikojmë rezultatet e progres-raportit. Une komentet e mia do t'i bej pas publikimit te tij". Sequi tha me tej se kreu socialist Rama e informoi ate per qëndrimet e opozitës ne lidhje me reformat integruese, por edhe me çeshtje shqetësuese per vete opoziten, siç eshte ajo e Këshillit te Qarkut Fier. Per kete te fundit, Sequi tha se shpresonte ne nje zgjidhje te shpejte.
When needed a few days from the publication of the European Commission progress report on Albania, EU Ambassador in Tirana Ettore Sequi said that the correct answer on the status of candidate country will be given only on the date of October 10. The statement was made after the meeting that senior diplomat held in Brussels pink headquarters socialist leader Edi Rama. "I can give you a correct answer only on 10 October. Right now I do not know anything. On October 10 at 19.30 will publish the results of the progress report. I will make my comments after its publication. "Sequi said further that the socialist leader Rama informed him of opposition views regarding integration reforms, but also with issues of concern, due to the opposition, as is that of the Council of Fier County. For the latter, Sequi said he hoped a quick solution.