Prej 30 vjetësh ka mbetur ne memorien e fëmijëve, here si zane e here si borëbardhë, ndonëse interpretimet e saj kane qene te shumta. Aktorja e mirënjohur e teatrit te kukullave Shegushe Bebeti, tregon se ka marrëdhënie te veçante me kukullat, lojën qe e nisi qe fëmijë, për ta vazhduar si profesion te jetës. Se fundmi aktorja vjen me rolin e vogëlushes Greta, ne festivalin mbarëkombëtar te teatrove te kukullave "Xinxifili", qe po zhvillohet ne Pogradec. Ne edicionin e 11 te festivalit teatrove te kukullave, qe do te vazhdoje deri me 30 qershor, marrin pjese 10 trupa nga Shqipëria, Maqedonia, Mali i Zi dhe Kosova. Natën e pare është ngjitur ne skene trupa e Teatrit shëtitës, me pjesën "Zërat e detit", qe është pritur mjaft mire nga fëmijët qe kishin mbushur sallën e teatrit te Pogradecit.
Of 30 years has remained in memory of children, sometimes as a fairy of time as Snow White, though her ??interpretations have been numerous. The acclaimed actress Shegushe Bebeti puppetry, shows that there is a special relationship with the doll, game that began as a child, to continue as a life skill. Finally comes the role of actress Greta vogëlushes, the festival of puppet theaters nationwide to "Xinxifili" taking place in Pogradec. The 11th edition of the festival of puppet theaters, which will continue until June 30, 10 participating troops from Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo. The first night is next on stage itinerant theater troupe, with the "Voices of the Sea", which is very well received by children who had filled the theater hall of Pogradec.