Dy ditët e fundit 170 shqiptare janë kthyer ne doganën e Kapshticës nga policia greke, duke penguar udhetimin e tyre drejt shtetit helen. Vaso Corbaxhiu, nga Pogradeci, është njeri prej te kthyerve. Ai tregon se ka kaluar dhe here te tjera ne vendin fqinj, aty ku ka një pjese te familjes, me te njëjtat dokumente, por kësaj here u befasua kur u pengua për pretendime te ndryshme. Fatin e tij këtë fundjave e kane pasur edhe dhjetëra shqiptare te tjerë. Nga autoritete greke nuk ka asnjë sqarim ne lidhje me kthimet e emigranteve qe duket te jene me te theksuara ne doganën e Kapshticës. Ndërkohë, autoritet shqiptare doganore pohojnë se me nisjen e operacionit "Fshesa" ne Greqi, ka pasur kthim emigrantesh, por edhe raste ku personave u është refuzuar hyrja ne Greqi. Kthimet e policisë greke ne kufi shënuan kulmin ditën e premte, kur 100 shtetas shqiptare nuk u lejuan te udhëtonin drejt Greqisë.
Two recently returned to 170 Albanian customs Kapshtica by Greek police, hindering their journey towards the Hellenic state. Vaso Corbaxhiu, from Pogradec, is one of the returnees. It shows that time has passed and other neighboring country, where there is a part of the family, with the same documents, but this time was surprised when it was hampered for various claims. His fate this weekend have also been dozens of other Albanians. From the Greek authorities have no explanation about the immigrant returns appears to be more pronounced in Kapshtica customs. Meanwhile, customs Albanian authorities claim that the launch of operation "Lightweight upright" in Greece, there was return of emigrants, but also cases where persons are refused entry into Greece. Returns Greek border police on Friday marked the climax, when 100 Albanian citizens were not allowed to travel to Greece.