KLSH, akuza Prokurorisë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Ne daljen e tij te pare si kryetar i Kontrollit te Larte te Shtetit, Bujar Leskaj hodhi akuza ne drejtim te Prokurorisë. Sipas tij, bashkëpunimi mes dy institucioneve është i bllokuar prej vitesh, pasi organi i akuzës ka injoruar kallëzimet penale qe KLSH ka bere ne drejtim te zyrtareve te administratës publike qe kane shpërdoruar detyrën. Por burime nga prokuroria bëjnë te ditur se deri me sot asnjë kallëzim penal nuk ka mbërritur ne këtë institucion nga KLSH. Ndërkaq, zoti Leskaj ka fajësuar edhe stafin e KLSH, konkretisht inspektoret te cilët nuk janë bindes ne detyrat e tyre dhe kontrollet e ushtruara. Duke u ndalur ne analizën vjetore te vitit 2011, organi me larte i kontrollit te shtetit ka evidentuar një dem financiar qe arrin ne mbi 7 miliard leke. Ky dem i përket periudhës 2008-2011. Ndryshe nga vitet e tjera, kur 50 % te dëmeve financiare kryheshin ne tatime dhe dogana, me pas ne administratën qendrore, tashme sipas KLSH, abuzimet me te mëdha vijnë ne projekte me financim te huaj.

In his first appearance as president of the Supreme State Control, Bujar Leskaj turned towards the Prosecution charges. According to him, cooperation between the two institutions is blocked for years, after the prosecution has ignored criminal reports that the SAI has been made in terms of public administration officials who have abused the office. But the prosecution resources do know that to date no criminal charges have not arrived at this institution by the SAI. Meanwhile, Mr. Leskaj has blamed the SAI staff, specifically inspectors who are not convincing in their duties and exercised controls. Speaking at the 2011 annual analysis, the highest organ of state control has identified a financial damage amounting to over 7 billion. This bull belongs to the period 2008-2011. Unlike other years, when 50% of financial damages were performed in taxes and customs, then to the central administration, already under the SAI, the biggest abuses come in externally financed projects.

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