Fier, vrasësi i biznesmenit ne pranga - Vizion Plusm - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Katër dite pas ekzekutimit te biznesmenit fierak Spartak Spaho, policia ka vene ne pranga te dyshuarin kryesor, Agim Hyka, 33 vjeç nga fshati Povelçe i Fierit. Sipas policisë, dyshohet se ngjarja ka ndodhur për hakmarrje, pasi Hyka akuzonte 40-vjeçarin Spaho, se i kishte vrare te atin disa vite me pare ne Greqi. Ne krim mësohet se kane marre pjese edhe persona te tjerë, qe pritet te arrestohen ne vijim te hetimeve si dhe dëshmisë se te pandehurit. Spaho u qellua me breshëri automatiku ndërsa ecte ne bulevardin kryesor rreth orës 17:30 te pasdites se te premtes, duke tronditur kalimtaret e shumte ne atë zone. Biznesmeni, baba i dy fëmijëve qe njihej si person problematik, gjeti vdekjen e menjëhershme, pasi mbi trupin e tij u zbrazen 14 plumba. Nga ngjarja mbeten te plagosur edhe dy kalimtare, Leonard Toli dhe Dritan Yzeiri, te cilët fatmirësisht e kaluan rrezikun për jetën. Ekzekutimi ndodhi vetëm pak metra larg vendit, ku viktima po ndërtonte një pallat dhe pista e pare e hetimit lidhej pikërisht me një konflikt për shkak te pronës.

Four days after the execution of Spartak admin Spaho businessman, the police have put in irons to the main suspect, Sunrise Hyka, 33 years old from the village Povelca Fier. According to police, allegedly in retaliation event occurred after 40-year-old accused Hyka Spaho, that he had killed his father several years ago in Greece. We learned that crime also attended other persons, due to arrested following the investigation and that the defendant's testimony. Spaho was hit with machine gun bursts in the main boulevard and walked around 17:30 in the afternoon of Friday, shaking the numerous passersby in the area. Businessman and father of two children who was known as a problem, found immediate death after his body was emptied 14 bullets. From the event were injured, two transitional, Toli and Dritan Yzeiri Leonard, who happily spent the risk to life. The execution took place just a few meters away from where the victim was building a palace and the first track of the investigation related to a conflict precisely because of the property.

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