"Vlora kundër krimit!" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

VizionPlusAlbania 2015-11-21

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Një jave pas ekzekutimit mafioz te gjyqtarit Skerlilajd Konomi, qindra qytetare te Vlorës, kane zhvilluar një tubim paqësor, duke dënuar vrasjen dhe duke kërkuar siguri për jetën.
Nen moton "Bashkë kundër krimit!", marshimit nga "Sheshi i Flamurit" deri ne "Skele", i janë bashkuar veç familjareve te viktimës, edhe drejtues te gjykatës e prefekturës. Ata kane kërkuar te zbardhet sa me shpejt atentati makaber i gjyqtarit 33-vjeçar, baba i dy fëmijëve. Qytetaret mbanin ne duar pankarta,me mbishkrimin "Vlora është e lire!", apo "Te ndëshkohen kriminelet!". Policia kishte bllokuar qarkullimin e mjeteve, për mbarëvajtjen e tubimit. Manifestuesit janë ndalur ne vendin ku u vra gjyqtari Konomi, duke vendosur foton e tij dhe lule. Me pas ata janë shpërndare paqësisht. Skerdilajd Konomi u ekzekutua te premten e shkuar, pas shpërthimit te makinës me tritol te komanduar ne distance. Pistat kryesore ku ekspertet kane përqendruar hetimet, janë ajo për pronën e tij dhe për shkak te detyrës.

A week after the execution of the official mafia Skerlilajd Konomi, hundreds of citizens of Vlora, have developed a peaceful rally, condemning the murder and demanding security for life.
Under the slogan "Together Against Crime", the march of the "Flag Square" to the "skeleton", but joined the family of the victim, the court leading to the prefecture. They wanted to bleach as soon as the judge macabre attack 33-year-old father of two children. Citizens were holding placards with the inscription "Vlora is free!", Or "The criminals are punished." Police had blocked the flow of funds for maintenance and assembly. Protesters were stopped at the place where the judge was killed Konomi, placing his picture and flowers. Then they are distributed peacefully. Konomi Skerdilajd was executed on Friday last, after explosion of TNT with the commanding driving distance. Key races where experts have focused investigations, have it on his property and because of the assignment.

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