Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 3.

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Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 3.

Chapter 17


3. Greed called Lobh (Mind) in Panjabi that can tempt you to become clever psychic cheat in order to usurp the rights of others is the dominating weakness of the "mind", the "psychics" or the men of evil spirit. Judas Iscariot was a psychic in whom the love of Mammon dominated and he used to steal money from the “Purse” that contained the donations. Similarly, these “hireling” Dog-Collared Priests in Churches steal money from the Church Purse as their salaries as if they are working for Mammon and not God. That is why, Jesus threw Judas Iscariot out before Baptising the rest of Eleven through “Eucharist” also called entering into the Bridal Chamber in which the Solitary Virgin Brides are sealed to serve God through the covenant of Holy Spirit and the Apostles Preached Gospel in honour of their Bridegroom Christ Jesus as a married woman becomes a spokeswoman of her husband (Mrs. Sue Smith and no more Miss. Sue Jones).

4. Worldly Attachment called “Moh” (Mind) in Panjabi that can deter the holy wise pneumatics family man (soil with weeds that produced 60 folds) from serving God in the fullness as those who joined Jesus in the Wilderness (Soil free of weeds that produced 100 fold – Celestial world) by becoming an Apostle or a Roving Preacher in the name of Jesus. This was also the third temptation of Satan to Jesus. In reply to this temptation, Christ Jesus advises His wise Labourers: "You shall worship Father (and not the Jewish Lord Yahweh) and Him only shall you serve". This point has been also stressed by Jesus in the Parable of young rich man Matt.19.21: Jesus answered, "If you want to be Perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor that you have cheated to become rich, and you will have Treasure in Heaven as the Samaritans were enjoying in good crops. Then come, join and not follow me." The need for the renunciation of secular world in order to serve Him without any distraction is also stressed in Matt.6.24: "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Mammon".

5. Haughtiness, called Hankaar (Ego) in Panjabi that the men of letters develop on the basis of what the other men of letters have known. Such spiritually dead people bury their dead during debates and conferences in which they discuss the works of others. But Gospel is not buried in the Books but it is received through logical reasoning called “revelations” on individual basis. Thus, the theologians of letters in Jerusalem did not engage Jesus into such deep discussion as this Samaritan Woman at Well did that even surprised his Labourers. This Samaritan woman was not stiff-necked like the Sadducee Simon of the letters who invited Jesus into his house but he did not honour him; whereas the whole white-hearted Samaritan village came to welcome Jesus into their village, which Jesus described as the white crop ready for harvesting into the Royal Kingdom of God. This temptation of the heart is purely "spiritual of God - Celestial" in nature against the very first one, the lust for sex, which was purely "of flesh in Adam – secular” in nature.
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