Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 1.

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Book - Chapter 17:- Super Donkey University Theologians of Letters call St.Photina, a Sinner - 1.

Chapter 17


This exposition may look extremely odd to the blind theologians of "letters", the super donkeys carrying Holy Books, in that all the five husbands of the Samaritan woman, not stated anywhere else in the Bible by name, have been identified both by names and in nature. These five spiritual husbands are well-known to the Sikhs (seekers of spiritual knowledge, the Gnostics) of Satguru = Christ Nanak Dev Ji, the second anointed "Christ" but the narrow mindedness and blind-folding of the people of "letters" hinders them from perceiving in this liberal field of spirit.

Thus, the popular interpretation of John 4 by the men of "letters" leads the people to the inference that the Samaritan woman was indeed leading a very immoral, sinful and disgraceful life, an interpretation by the "letters" which is just the opposite of that by the "spirit". In fact, by the letters, "His Treasures" always hang upside down and, therefore, such interpretations of the Parables by the "letters" are not rare. In general, the theologians know that the Gospel of John is highly spiritual and, therefore, it is not so easy to understand. In fact, John 4 and Matt.19 are the most difficult to understand Parables of all.

The five husbands of the Samaritan woman mentioned by John were not the physical ones with which the natural people of flesh, the hylics, are quite familiar with but they were rather the spiritual or the abstract ones that the people of both sexes are liable to be dominated by. Thus, in order to appreciate the beauty of "His Treasures" buried in this Parable of John's, let us first study the nature of these spiritual husbands whose number is limited to "five" only:-

Briefly, a religious person of high standing should have both body and heart circumcised. The body is circumcised of "sins" by obeying the moral laws of Moses and to this effect the "forerunner" John, the Baptist of the priestly Levi stock came in the name of "Prophet Elijah". This involves mostly rituals, which are related to the seven types of "works". These are represented by Menorah in which the Middle Candle represents Elohim, Allah, Parbrahm, etc. whilst the three on the right holy works and three on the left evil works. The secular works are social, economic and political; some holy and some evil. Rabbi would declare the evil works as “sins” and would punish the sinners.

Ideal Moral Teacher has been defined by Jesus in Matt.13.52: He said to him, "Therefore every teacher of the (moral) law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the (hereditary) owner of a house (Synagogue/temple), who brings out of his storeroom (of religious knowledge or gnosis) New Treasures ('His Word', that is branded as the New Unshrunk Cloth untouched by human hands) as well as old (the written moral laws of Moses, Abraham, etc. that were passed from father to son in a hereditary manner and they were interpreted by the "letters")".

Whilst the circumcision of heart involves the purification of the heart of the five specific spiritual temptations or diseases by putting into practice “His Word” to purify one’s heart. The five specific spiritual temptations of the heart consist; three of “ego” among the once-born and two of “mind” among the twice-born clever people. These have been stressed by Jesus in Luke 12v52:-

For there shall be from henceforth (because Law and Prophets were till John, the Baptist – Luke 16v16 and after that no more sins but the circumcision of heart counts. That is why from henceforth (in the era of Christ in which everyone has to give his own accounts to God?) five in one house (physical body) divided: three (of ego, which are immorality, anger and haughtiness of the Book knowledge or of the “letters”) against two (of “mind”, which are greed and worldly attachment) and two (twice-born clever people, the psychic cheats) against three (once-born simpletons, being the victims of cheating). The Jewish people were victims of these Five whilst the Samaritan people being sealed to serve God had overpowered them and they formed the Ninety nine Sheep that were already in the Fold of God. That is, they neither cheated anyone (two) nor got cheated (three) because they looked after each other as the Samaritan Man who picked up a wounded stranger and looked after him. Then, how much they would look after themselves? Such qualities were missing among the greedy Jews and that is why they were the Lost Sheep, which Jesus came to redeem them into the Fold of our God where people are sealed to serve God and not Mammon.

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