Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 6?

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Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 6?



The whole text of the chapter is in this link:-

Thus, a Righteous person is called a Wise Man of holy ghost when he has overpowered the above Five temptations of heart by applying the Spiritual Soap, His Word, to his own heart and such contented and merciful wise rulers, the sons of Man live in the Peace of God. Centurion was a typical example, who loved his people in God. Such kind people love God by serving people against the Anti-Christ Pope, a Cruel and Merciless Ruler who could not stand the Third Temptation of Jesus by the Satan, “Forget about God, worship me, Mammon, for the worldly rule”.
Now, the Temple had become a den of robbers and the Rabbis were fleecing people of their money rather than rendering honest services to them as the Priests of Gentiles especially of the Samaria region were doing effectively. That is why in Jerusalem, hardly anyone was interested in Gospel whilst the Samaritans came in great number to greet Jesus into their village after their woman at well had vetted Jesus in spirit and found him to be a Prophet. In fact, she was so knowledgeable and told Him that when Christ comes, He will explain to us everything in details. That is, she knew that Christ is greater than the Prophets as John, the Baptist was the last Prophet on earth and afterwards the Narrow Gate to the Royal Kingdom of God was opened by Christ Jesus, the True Vine planted by our Father in His Royal Vineyard. Thus, in Jesus our aim is to get ourselves Grafted to this True Vine or die.
Further, son looks after the property of his father. This Jesus did by striking the traders in the Temple Court Yard by a whip and turning their tables and shouting at them with the Anger of our natural father Yahweh, “Don’t you know that my heavenly father Yahweh’s House, the outer Sanctuary that looked after the once-born sons of Yahweh is a place for prayers, fasting, etc. to Yahweh in heaven for rain, food, protection, etc. and you have made it a den of robbers.” Remember that stranger devotees visiting the Temple were fleeced by the Temple Rabbis and the penniless pilgrims used to tell their plight to St. James, the Just, who would go to the house of the crook Rabbi and beg him to return the fleeced money back to the simple-minded devotees. Crook Rabbis killed St. James, the Just as he became a pain in their necks. So, in these actions of a natural man, Jesus defended the property of his heavenly natural father Yahweh whilst just the opposite as the Lamb of God, He defended the Holiest of Holy, the Temple of God, by giving His own humble sacrifice, in which the Super Bastard Fanatic Devils – John 8v44, the Jews outwardly, sowed the “seed” of Terrorism that has grown into a very Big Tree. That is, why these unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh, Jews outwardly, the Anti-Semitic sons of most high Satan, the Tares of Matt. 13v24-30 are getting bundled up for Harvesting the Fruit of this Tree of Terrorism. That is, whatever you have sown, so shall you reap. I will explain this further as we go along.
Demiurge god Yahweh of Nature is called the “heavenly father” because heaven and hell is flesh related. Thus, when there is law and order, we live peacefully as the sons of Man are expected to live but when people become the sons of Satan, and then there is no law and order but hell as you can see presently in the world at large. Those who are faithful to our heavenly father Yahweh, to them he gives best food to eat and protects them from their enemies. Blessings of heavenly father Yahweh are well demonstrated through the “Chosen People” and Jesus outlined them in the Parable of the Prodigal son in which father is Abraham, elder son is Ishmael and the younger prodigal son is Isaac and his people. I will speak about this in the Chapter on Chosen People. Thus, when you are faithful to your tribal fathers and Yahweh, then you are called the sons of Man and live peacefully on the Planet earth but when you become unfaithful to Yahweh, then you suffer as the sons of Satan do in hell.

In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Much confused Trinity is explained:-
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-

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