Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 4?

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Book - Chapter 4:- Why Jesus had 12 all men Labourers for his Ministry - 4?



The whole text of the chapter is in this link:-
Let us put the above six types of Karmas; three holy and three evil that forms the David’s Cross and the Light of God on which the sound Moral Laws of Yahweh, the creator of different pots or physical bodies, are based. This is all represented by the seven-candled Menorah in which the Middle Candle is of God, our Super Natural Father. This Menorah is the Central Figure of the Rabbis leading people to perform good works that pleases our heavenly father Yahweh, who looks after our daily physical needs through rain and crops making our lands of honey and milk with supporting protection. This was demonstrated by Moses when he brought the slave Chosen People from Egypt, made them repent for forty years in wilderness and sending them to the Promised Land under the responsible guidance of Aaron of the Levi Tribe. He himself did not enter the Promised Land otherwise the blessings of Yahweh and Abraham would have been doubted. The same barren land had become lush green to welcome them back home as Jesus tell us in the Parable of the Prodigal son, Isaac and his people. Here, father is Abraham and the elder son is Ishmael born of the slave girl Hagar. Further, when Jesus reminded Mary Magdalene, the prostitute how their forefather Abraham and Yahweh looked after as soon as you are faithful sons of Abraham, a Jew inwardly and not outwardly, then you are looked after of your physical needs such as food and comfort by Yahweh whilst the merciful and righteous qualities of Abraham help you become the sons of Most High. That is, no faithful to your natural tribal father, no virtues of our Supernatural Father Elohim. Thus, Lazarus became Friend of Jesus Preaching Gospel and He earned his resurrection sitting in the Lap of Abraham whilst the crook rich Jew outwardly, a cheat, who was unfaithful to Abraham suffered the Torments of Hell. Mary Magdalene became a Saint Preaching Gospel to those who were longing for it. Pearls thrown before swine are not valued as the man locked in the silence of graveyard was doing. Instead, they turn around and locked him off. More of this is to be in the Chosen People chapter.
By the way, all the seven candles of Menorah used to be at par or the same level but in this Dark Age, the greedy Rabbis lost their logical reasoning power and they pretend not to understand the corruptions in the written Torah, the old cloth full of holes that had become good for nothing. That is why Jesus forbade the Jewish leaven into the Church of God or patching the old cloth, written Torah, Old Testament, with the Brand New Cloth, His Word, and New Testament of Parables or Puzzles for the sensible twice-born people of holy spirit. Marcion knew this fact but the Messianic Jews loved Darkness and killed those who Preached Gospel turning people back to square one making them the “People of the Book”. I have found many corruptions in the New Testament and you need a separate chapter to expose them. Thus, the Middle Candle of the Menorah is raised higher than the other six candles in honour of Christ Jesus stressing that in Christ Jesus, we are Lords of the Sabbath and no more slaves to the Rabbis and their moral laws. Luke 16v16 stresses this: - "The Law and the Prophets remained until John. Since then, the Good News about the Royal Kingdom of God for the solitary Royal Priests has been proclaimed, and everyone entering it is under attack because he is solitary”. Remember that Lords have slaves as the Rabbis used to have slave Disciples; the root of the word Disciple is discipline and the once-born natural men were disciplined by the Rabbis through the moral laws of Moses. Saul of conscience was a typical example of such Disciples and he persecuted the Workers of Jesus under the directions of his clever Rabbi Gamaliel.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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