Intex Seahawk II Inflatable Raft Customization

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Intex Seahawk II Inflatable Raft Customization

After testing out the floorboard that I had made (It's in my previous video here,, I am very satisfied with the performance, I can stand on the raft while out at the sea, very stable and rigid. But the raft was still not ready for the game yet.....

I began the customization of the raft after some drafting on paper, got some ideas from YouTube, thanks again to guys that shared their works here.

00:16 The Main -Frame
00:35 The Motor Mount
00:51 Slide Show on the progress
01:32 The Wheel Testing
02:43 Briefing

I build a frame using 1 1/4" PVC pipe, it is secured on the raft's oar holder, at the stern the PVC pipe goes under the aluminium tube of the motor mount, bungee cable is used to make it sits firmly in place. The PVC pipe frame forms a U shape, a total of 10 T-joints were used as mounting points for different purposes, such as Camera pole, Rod holder, and I customize my Lucky Fish Finder so it can fix on the T-joint as well. (I did a review video on the Lucky Fish Finder, you can see it here I didn't glue them permanently as I wanted more flexibility, I can change the formation based on my needs.

I made a rod rack using 1 1/2" T-joint for the rod holder, it was connected to 1 1/4" T-joint (it's perfect match on the diameter) The rack holds 5 fishing rods, a additional supporting arm was added to the rack and was joint on to the main frame. (P.S. I removed it on the later upgrading as it's not practical)

A Motor Mount was made using a 1/2" thick kitchen wood chopping board, (I believed it's tough as my mum is still using the one she bought some 15 years ago) 3/4" aluminium tubing and strong PVC pipe elbows, securing the parts with stainless steel bolts and nuts.

5 portable rod holder were made using 1 1/2" T-joint and 1 1/4" angle elbow, it can be mounted on the 1 1/4" T-joint on the main-frame, and there's 8 T-joints to choose from.

Bought 3 plastic containers for storage purposes, decided on having 2 storage instead as space constrain. Bench seat was laid on top of the container (The plastic container act as the seat support at the same time) Using the left-over plywood from the floorboard, it was fitted with stainless steel door winch that can be lifted open for accessing the storage container. 35mm diameter hole was drilled on the both side of the seat and was secured onto the 1 1/4" T-joint. (It was scrapped on the later upgrading too, it's too heavy and bulky)

As my location here is right on the Equator, a canopy or sun shade was build. Using the extendable aluminium cloth hanging pole, aluminium brackets from car license plate and stainless steel bolts and butterfly nuts (Wing nuts), it can be folded down to the bow when the weather is cooling. (was abandoned too later, hahahaha.....)

Finally I purchased a pair of 14" Trolley wheels, fitted right below the motor mount, it's a full rubber tires that no needs to pump air, it works well till I broke the mounting bracket due to over-loading. The bracket was made using high pressure 1/2" PVC pipe with the thickness of 4mm, super strong PVC pipes. (Take notes that the diameter quoted here are inner diameter of the pipes)


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==============================­­========­­==­­=================­=­===============­=­=====­=­====­==­============ Happy Fishing, Always Tight Line, Hardcore is the Spirit!

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