Dirty Bathroom Jokes and Bad Girls - Stand Up Comedy

StandUpBits 2014-12-15

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Jody Ferdig talks about nasty girls in the bathroom. Get your daily dose of great Stand Up Comedy @ StandUpBits - PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL!

I really love bathroom humor, and Jody Ferdig tells some great bathroom jokes. The reason why her bathroom jokes work well, is because people have experienced many situations she describes in the bathroom before. I for one totally despise the public toilet, the public toilet always tends to be the dirty toilet. I am not one of those people who help make the toilet dirty, I do not like dirty toilets, I always clean up, but I'm also not the one who likes to touch other peoples urine either, so I don't clean up other peoples crap. One thing about the public toilet that I don't like is the type of toilet paper used. It's not the same stuff I buy for my house, and also when the toilet paper runs out is annoying too. I always wondered what the ladies room was like, but thanks to Jody Ferdig I now know a little too much information on the ladies room. I never knew there were so many nasty girls there, I always assumed they were so neat and the ladies room was like a sanctuary for cleanliness. I guess there are many bad girls out there, as well as nasty girls. I like nasty girls, but not in that sense of bathroom nasty, one thing that is great about Jody Ferdig is her ability to tell bad girls jokes without the fear that the bad girls jokes will offend all the bad girls out there. She's so care free, its wonderful. If you want to increase your daily laughter, please subscribe to StandUpBits!

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