Fat Girl Jokes: Sadiki Fuller Jokes About Fat Girls - Stand Up Comedy!

StandUpBits 2014-12-15

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Sadiki Fuller, a StandUp comedy comedian makes fat girl jokes about his longtime girlfriend. He makes fat girlfriend jokes about her because they are his life experiences and fat girl jokes are just funny. His jokes about fat girls are extremely entertaining and funny. Even though he makes fat girlfriend jokes about his girlfriend, they have a mutual understanding. I bet some of his fat girlfriend joke might have been suggested by her as well. Sadiki Fuller's fat girlfriend joke about his girlfriend's weight gain since they started dating is super funny. He jokes about fat girls because he feels that it's unfair to guys, they should workout. Some fat girls joke that fat girl jokes are stupid and dumb, but they are told for fun, not with any ill intentions. A fat girl joke can be about how heavy a girl is to their body features. For more jokes about fat girls, Please subscribe to StandUpBits!

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